TOUCHは大阪にある美容室LINE hair salonの、ミツモリ ヨシヒロが主宰する世界中でヘアデザインを行うプロジェクトです。2013年にスタートし、これまでに11箇所の国や地域で活動。
【TOUCH プロジェクトの始まり】
美容師の表現方法を模索する中、便利さや効率化を追い求める現代の風潮に疑問を持ち始めます。コミュニ ケーションを通じて、ヘアスタイルを考える美容師のアナログな手法にこそ、大切な何かがあると思い、コミュニケーショ ンや表現の新たな形を求めて世界中に髪を切りに行くプロジェクトを始動しました。次第に写真家、スタイリストなど、 ものづくりに携わるメンバーが加わり、「OTAKU-project」というチームを結成。
【TOUCH プロジェクトの内容】
"Creating people’s joys, and to create a united world"
TOUCH is a global hair design project let by Yoshihiro Mitsumori, owner of LINE hair salon(based in Takatsuki, Osaka). The group formed in 2013 and has showcased projects in 9 countries.
“How we started”
As Mitsumori began to pursue and research a new way to express, he began questioning the current trends, the evolution of convenience and efficiency. Soon after this thought, he had began to realize that the “analog” work style that hair stylists work was a vital tool to showcase a style of communication design. He began looking for these new expression by forming the project and to start cutting hair across the world. Soon after he had started, photographers, stylists, and other designers had joined his project, and “OTAKU-project” was formed.
“What we do”
Our concept is to “Creating people’s joys, and to create a united world, through the power of hair.” We approach, prepare, and execute our concepts in local areas throughout the world.
We have created themes such as cutting hair in places like Bhutan where beauty salons don’t exist, schools in Vladivostok, a music festival in Iceland, and a guerrilla performance in the streets of Paris.
There are many things that help us raise awareness from communicating with the local people after we gave them new hair designs.
The happiness created from these moments is what makes us believe in this project and why we will keep challenging ourselves to create a better world.
“Mitsumori Yoshihiro “
Born in Osaka, currently living in Kyoto. Owner of “Line Hair Salon”, a salon based in Takatsuki, Osaka. Also serves as the director of OTAKU-project. http://www.line-hair.com/
“OTAKU-project” is a project consisting of 10 members, in which they seek ways to challenge new forms of expressing materials over the genre of beauty, photography, design, and art.